all postcodes in LS17 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS17 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS17 1JW 1 0 53.85133 -1.533689
LS17 1AL 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1JZ 1 0 53.85133 -1.533689
LS17 1BQ 0 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1BS 1 53.85133 -1.533689
LS17 1DH 0 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1DZ 1 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1EW 1 53.85133 -1.533689
LS17 1FR 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1JH 0 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1GH 1 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1JY 1 0 53.85133 -1.533689
LS17 1GW 1 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1GZ 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1HG 1 53.85133 -1.533689
LS17 1HQ 1 1 53.85133 -1.533689
LS17 1HX 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1HY 1 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1JE 1 1 53.851314 -1.533684
LS17 1JF 1 1 53.851314 -1.533684